
Z: Select and confirm

X: Change Hero

Arrows: Select tiles

Alternatively: You can use the mouse instead of the arrows

Puzzle Powers is a 4 X 3 puzzle game with a super hero twist. Use your heroes to try and save the hostages or defeat all the enemies.

Each hero has a specific set of powers that have strengths, weaknesses and restrictions. Some even change the playfield entirely.

30 Levels, 6 Heroes, Minutes of fun.

Created using HEPT32 colour palette:

Music and audio is encoded in a low bitrate.

Release date Aug 16, 2020
Authorsyamiscott, Snoo24, AdventitiousPlant, leokrechmer

Development log


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This really is a fun game when you realize whats going on. I liked the graphics and the concept worked well. -oneak